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Age, COVID-19, and the Lifesaving Role of Vaccines

Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study combined data from global health organizations with expert interviews to explore the risks associated with COVID-19 across various age groups. A particular focus was on understanding the mortality rates and identifying patterns that emerge when comparing different demographics. The use of regression analysis provided a deeper insight into the interplay between age and COVID-19 mortality.

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Smoking and Kidney Disease

There are several studies linking smoking to the appearance (and in fact the appearance of CKD in the general population, e.g. to people without a risk factor for nephropathy) but also to the development of preexisting CKD. There is a greater impact in patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy or renal disease due to high blood pressure. How does smoking affect kidney function?

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Diabetes Mellitus - a "sweet" but risky enemy

What is diabetes mellitus? Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a group of diseases characterized by high blood glucose levels, resulting from weakness / insufficiency of insulin production by the body, limited activity of insulin produced or a combination of both conditions (CDC 1998). What are the risk factors for Diabetes Mellitus?

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Kidney and old age: changes in the kidneys and the urinary system

Is kidney disease related to age? Yes. Any kidney disease may appear at any age, but it is more likely to appear over the age of 60. At least 50% of the patients suffering from a kidney disease is elderly. The older we get, the older our kidneys get.

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Mesogeios Dialysis Centers Group analyzed the severity of the situation in a timely manner, and took all necessary measures, always with a high sense of responsibility towards its patients and staff.

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Nephrolithiasis: what we all know as “kidney stones”- basic information.

What are “kidney stones”? Kidney stones are hard and solid pieces of material that look like pebbles and form in one or both kidneys when there is a high concentration of certain minerals in the urine.

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