Ten goals for the New Year … Welfare Tips

What happens in everyday life never changes… what changes are ourselves, our thoughts and the way we accept or face them. So, ten goals the New Year and some prosperity tips, to learn thinking in a different way!
1. To disagree, but not to argue ..
2. Not always be good, try to be good with your choices, support your choices…
3. To work, but to protect your limits, so as not to be exhausted
4. To thirst for the new, but not to abandon the old, the tradition, your roots
5. Do not give in to your dreams .. no matter what problems you have, always keep dreaming
6. Do not let negative emotions nest inside you, because they blur your objectivity
7. Laugh, use humor and sarcasm even in the most difficult days of your life
8. When it hurts not to be afraid to talk about it, not to hide it under the rug and avoid it, because you maintain a problem and move away from prosperity
9. To do the best you can, to feel satisfied with the effort you made and not to be afraid if you do not do well and fail .. because you will have gained wisdom and maturity from failure and pride from your effort and
10. Never give up never lay down your arms, no matter how tired and exhausted you feel, even if you are afraid, never give up ... never give up so that you never feel the feeling of defeat and because we should always remind ourselves that even in our most difficult times there are people next to us who are our allies… doctors, nurses, friends, family, colleagues .. even if we do not see it…
After all, we must always remind ourselves that … “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” Leonard Cohen
From the mesogeios collaborator Psychologist Eleni Soltaridou