The importance of Positive Psychology

Prolonged quarantine, constant information about the coronavirus, anxiety and insecurity about the future, thoughts about developments, financial uncertainty are just some of the factors that can have a detrimental effect on our psychology and mental health.
But we humans usually process these stimuli based on fear and negative emotions, as we have no control over the situation and can not predict it.
In 2000 Martin Selingman, one of the leading exponents of Positive Psychology, wondered if we could actually deal with positive emotions in addition to negative emotions, and if all of this made sense.
The greatest impact of positive psychology is that positive emotions, happiness for example are learned, as well as building mental resilience, building the concept of gratitude .
This in practice means that the positive emotions and positive dimensions of our existence are key components of our mental health .
In practice, positive psychology teaches that there is no reason to reject or fear a negative emotion or a negative event.
What we need to do is accept it , focusing at the same time on all the positives that exist around us and usually choose not to focus on them .. with the immediate consequence of increasing our stress and possible embodiment.
So how can we help ourselves more in times of crisis ?
We could focus on:
- In the development of Positive Emotions
- In our commitment to achieving our personal goals
- In building meaningful human relationships that motivate and motivate us for real communication
- In investigating the motives our
At the end of the day , let us all try in a diary or on a piece of paper to record the positive events of the day.
Even if we seem trivial, people have got used to analyze the negative as we consider that function as subjects, direct consequence but to turn our attention to the negative events of our day, which they end up continuously discussing and often to maximize.
The effect of this attitude in the long run is to learn a specific way of thinking, which makes us more vulnerable to over- analysis and the constant search for negative facts.
From the mesogeios collaborator Psychologist Eleni Soltaridou