Aikaterini Vlachonikolou
Terug naar het centrumMD, Nephrologist
- Dottore Magistrale of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Brescia (ITALY)
Work Experience
- 2013-08/2018: Nephrology resident and the 2nd Preliminary Education Pathology Clinic of “Attikon” University General Hospital
- 2011-2013: Pathology resident at the Health Clinic of “Alexandra” University General Hospital
- 2011-2013: Scientific Associate-Head of International Clinical Studies at the Kifissia General Oncology Hospital “Oi Agioi Anargyroi”
- 09/2007-11/2008: 14-month rural service at the “Arios Regional Medical Center and Messina Health Center
- 06/2007-09/2007: Three-month training at the Kalamata General Hospital