Alcohol abuse can damage many organs in our body. This can also happen with our kidneys. The occasional use of alcohol does not pose problems, but alcohol abuse certainly does.
Read moreI suffer from kidney failure. Should I limit salt? Yes! It is essential that you limit salt! When suffering from kidney failure, excess amounts of sodium - salt are accumulated in the body and create several problems.
Read moreOne of the biggest challenges for dialysis patients is the management of fluids. However, the importance of this management is maximized during quarantine, as prolonged stay at home can lead the dialysis patient to further fluid intake and overeating.
Read moreThe kidneys are the body’s natural “filter” seeing as they help remove toxins and excess water from our blood.
Read moreКалий необходим для организма. В каком количестве, однако, нужно потреблять его пациентам с хронической почечной недостаточностью?
Read moreПочки являются одним из основных органов, регулирующих уровень фосфора в нашем организме. Что происходит, когда они не справляются со своими функциями?
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