Mesogeios Dialysis Centers Group analyzed the severity of the situation in a timely manner, and took all necessary measures, always with a high sense of responsibility towards its patients and staff.
This gave our patients and staff the opportunity to adapt to this new unprecedented reality.
The Group was able to properly shield its centers against the virus and achieve the best possible result.
It prevented the transmission of the virus within the centers and gained valuable experience.
We are currently in the second phase of the pandemic, but we are confident that it is possible to effectively protect our patients and provide them with a sense of security.
Nevertheless, we have not become complacent; we continue facing the possible risk by adapting and changing our measures where necessary.
The Mesogeios Dialysis Centers, strictly observing the instructions and protocols of the National Public Health Organization (NPHO), have organized their activities around the following main axes:
Risk study and early identification:
- Daily monitoring of developments related to the coronavirus both in Greece and around the world;
- Monitoring the flow of NPHO information on the new coronavirus and immediately updating its corporate instructions and case management algorithms;
- Contacting the NPHO when required in order to receive directions;
- Calling a meeting of the Infection Committee every Friday to assess the relevant procedures and inform all members about any global scientific developments.
Implementation of effective measures:
- Three basic principles: Information and education - Prevention - Protection of patients, attendants, and staff.
- Strict criteria for entering the centers - Screening by a doctor at the entrance;
- Early identification and screening of patients with respiratory problems;
- Isolation of possible cases according to the directions of the NPHO;
- Carrying out tests in suspicious cases (mostly at their own homes). We have conducted 2500 Covid-tests since the beginning of the pandemic.
- Management of employee - nurse schedules in order to achieve better traceability in case of an outbreak;
- Wearing protective equipment - Use of waterproof overalls, goggles, gloves, and high respiratory protection masks during the management of every possible case, and disposing of said equipment after each patient;
- Proper preparation of all facilities;
- Cleaning and disinfection of the dialysis units - Weekly (and emergency) disinfection of all areas of the facility;
- Tracing patient interactions within the center;
- Maintaining safety distances inside the center;
- Implementation of personal hygiene measures;
- Timely provision and supply of the required PPE, as well as disinfectants and antiseptic solutions;
- Daily monitoring of the implementation of protection measures;
- Weekly evaluation of the pandemic management procedures carried out by the Group’s Chronic Dialysis Units.
The following instructions should be strictly observed by patients when arriving and staying at the dialysis center:
- Please contact the medical staff of the unit by phone in case of fever, cough, or a runny nose BEFORE YOU ARRIVE at the unit for your treatment.
- In case the relatives / attendants staying with the patient show symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose etc., the doctor of the unit should be informed immediately and his/her instructions should be adhered to.
- Only patients are allowed to enter the dialysis center. It is very important that attendants do not enter the healthcare areas in order to prevent spreading the virus in our unit.
- Patients should follow the instructions of the unit’s staff.
- Hand hygiene: Immediately upon entering the center (either by washing your hands or using antiseptic). Hands that are obviously dirty should be immediately washed. Every time upon entering and exiting the dialysis room.
- All patients entering the facilities must wear a mask.
- Overcrowding in waiting areas and elevators is not allowed. Please pay attention and follow the signs and markings both in the waiting room and at the entrance of the elevator. Special yellow strips mark the points where you can wait so that the minimum distance of 2 meters between patients can be maintained.
- Elevators can only accommodate up to 2 people.
- Patients should move to as few areas within the center as possible. Patients should always use the elevator and not the stairs.
- Patients should avoid moving around in the waiting or dialysis room and should only move to and from their seat. It is advisable that they also avoid standing above the secretariat or the nurses’ stand and that they keep a safe distance.
- Sharing pencils, pens, remotes, and other personal items should be avoided. Your remotes, personal headphones and machine card are to be delivered to the dialysis room nursing staff. We clarify that the remote controls and personal items that remain in the dialysis area will be disinfected after each use.
- Eating food during dialysis is forbidden. When you leave the room, you will be able to take a snack from the reception desk.
- Avoid handshakes and kisses.
- It would be advisable to avoid any temporary visit to another unit inside or outside Greece, except in extremely urgent situations, regarding which you must FIRST inform your doctor.
By the Nursing Services Director Georgios Provataris
The staff in our units always remains at your disposal.
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